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Monthly Archive

April 2004

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 17 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Love for Humankind

Love is an elixir; a human lives with love, is made happy by love and makes those around him or her happy with love. In the vocabulary of humanity, love is life; we feel and sense each other with love... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Dr. Steve Sablack

Emotional Intelligence

Research has shown that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) alone is not a guarantee of success in life. Today, you need a high IQ plus a high Emotional Quotient (EQ) to ensure development as a “whole person.”... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Alphonse Dougan

Understanding Prophet Muhammad Beyond the Stereotypes

“None of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad.”W. Montgomery Watt Michael Hart received much heated criticism from some of his readers when he listed Prop read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Baha Abushagra

Celestial Reflections

In cosmic jargon, a planet is said to be at “opposition” when the Sun is on one side of the Earth and the planet is on the opposite side. On 27 August 2003, the Sun, Earth, and Mars lined up in rare o... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Mustafa Tabanli

The Book of Daniel

In this work we focus on the character analysis of Daniel as a man chosen by God. The King James’s Bible was used as the main text. We have tried to understand the text within its own context, indepen... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Dr. Sami Polatoz

The Golden Ratio

It is very obvious that there is an amazing system at work in the universe. Words are usually insufficient to explain this perfection. Therefore, one must refer to the different language and approach ... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Dr. Zeki Saritoprak

A Nursi Reader - Be Kind to Your Parents

In this series of articles, A Nursi Reader, the aim is to present the thoughts of the famous Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) on a variety of topics, using his own writings. As a pro... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Hakan Ufuk

Genomes and Languages

Languages are actually not that different from genes. Just as you would expect events like the Barbarian Migrations of the 5th century, or the Bubonic plague of the 14th century to leave marks on the ... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Rosemary Steel

Discussions on the Meaning of Life

One day a traveler in the desert was being pursued by a ferocious animal; he saw in front of him a disused well, the depth of which was sixty meters. He jumped in without looking to see what was at th... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Fatih Gelgi

Artificial Intelligence vs. the Mind

In the last fifty years, computer technology has led a new discussion centered on Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. the mind. The main aim in AI is to construct systems which behave in ‘logical’ ways a... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Osman Cakmak

How Did the Earth and Sky, Having Once Been Attached, Part?

Books concerned with cosmology compare all the characteristics of the period that followed the six phases of creation with the current features of the universe. This period was when matter was given i... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Omer Said Gonullu

The Age of the Earth

Methods of Measuring the Earth’s Age All methods of estimating “time” use the same principle: measuring the velocity of natural processes that show continuity over time. One of the most advanced meth... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Dogan Koc

A Moment for Reflection

The Generosity of ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (May God be pleased with him) One day Ali ibn Abu Talib was working in the date orchard. After a long day’s work he loaded a sack of dates on his camel, and head... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Hasan Aydinli

The Effect of Television in the Early Years

Among the greatest inventions of the twentieth century are devices of mass communications. Every invention can have either a positive or a negative effect, depending on how it is used. TV is one of th... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Hikmet Isik

What is the purpose of death?

Although we are confined in this impermanent material world, every one of us has an inborn feeling and yearning for eternity. Our desire for the eternal life is so great that the whole universe would ... read more..

Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Etga Ugur

Turkish Islam and Secular State: The Gulen Movement

The public role of religion is a source of controversy in almost every corner of the world in the contemporary age. The headscarf issue in France and Turkey, the Ten Commandments monument case in Alab... read more..

Issue 47 (July - September 2004)
The Fountain

Editorial (Issue 47)

For years his poetry has been at the top of the bestsellers list. His audience span now covers not only North America, but also the entire world. Special groups of his admirers have formed for poetry ... read more..

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